

Húnoghún, the gallerie, was founded in the year 2002 by goldsmith Sif Aegisdottir and her mother, textile designer Gudrun Marinosdottir. húnoghún (she and she) is a jewelry store, a workshop and a little art gallerie. Apart from our own design, we present the works of four foreign gold- and silversmiths.
All jewelry is hand made from silver and gold but also from untraditional materials such as horse hair, wool, glass e.t.c.
We also make jewelry from drawings, especially children's drawings.
húnoghún is an artistic jewelry shop in the center of Reykjavik.

Children's drawings
Children's drawings are spontant and fun and most parents are proud to show them around. I am one of them parents. I got the idea to make a necklace based on my son's drawing and it wound up to other people wanting to give somebody a jewelry based on their children's drawings.